Wednesday, February 15, 2012

First Meeting

Less than success.... A lot of confusion about what exactly the project entails and how we will be going about this project. This combined with the fact that we were down one member ( who didn't show up *cough* Alexandre Rogozine *cough* ) But, main take aways from today are that we need to, as a group become much more familiar with GWT if we are going to be using it. It seems that it will provide some amazing functionality, but as far as using GWT to do JavaScript drag and drop, I am unsure. There also seems to be a disconnect with the ideas I have in my head and what the group's idea of this project is. Therefore I am going to try Theo's idea of taking from other web developers idea's and bring a big white board and sticky notes to our next meeting that way we can all have a very physical tangible way of seeing how the website will operate and how the user will interact with it, without having to do any real coding. As for Friday's presentation, Theo and I will be doing that presentation as well. Hopefully our main talking points will concern the tools we will be using, info on specifics of the project as they stand now, and where we stand on future work. This (ideally) should take up the whole time we are given. So I guess we will see how it goes... I am feeling nervous at best.


  1. Nialls, 2 members of our team wrote this using GWT this afternoon. Once we were able to get everything configured, it took about 1 hour to learn how to do this.

    Also, for functionality ideas for drag and drop stuff check out how works. I know it isn't a web design app but the drag / drop stuff is really cool.

  2. oh man really? in an hour? i found this
    if you guys want some nifty tools for doing drag and drop :)
    but yeah ill totally check it!

    1. Be careful with that one. It is licensed with Apache 2. This is not a bad thing. It just means that if you use it, your software must also be licensed with Apache 2.
