Well, as the semester draws to a close and our team puts in the "finishing" touches to the project, I feel that it is time to reflect on what we set out to do as a group and evaluate progress therein and also to ask what feature we would have liked to implement most if we had more time. First off I will address the things that we accomplished this semester. At the beginning of the semester we set out to create a website that would be easy for the average new web-user to create a website and publish it to their own pre hosted website. I believe that this was an ambitious goal, but, more or less, we have accomplished it. If given more time I would have liked to clean up the user interface significantly, and I think I would have liked to take the UI, completely throw it away and start over from scratch. The reason for this is because after doing a level of end user testing, I have found that people have a hard time navigating the menu. So it would have been cool to bring in outside users into the development process to make the user experience as fluid as possible. But, again, I believe that over all, we accomplished the goal we set out to do.
On that note though, if we were able to have more time to ad another one feature, I would have liked to add functionality for users to be able to specify the z indexing level of individual elements. The reason this would be most helpful to users with an above average level of web knowledge, but would also allow users another level of functionality that we do not currently support. Another thing that I think would have added another level of believability to this project and would have given people more faith in this project.
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