Thursday, March 1, 2012

Entry Points and GWT

Well, As is the case with any programming assignment, you always run into fun problems that weren't foreseen at the get-go, my newest learning/development issue concerns GWT's methodology of having one Webpage essentially and then having one entry point that "opens each webpage individually" within the same page. This makes me nervous... 1. because it was unexpected, and 2. because I don't really get how to do this yet... but here goes nothing, I will update this post as necessary as I figure this stuff out. If there is anyone reading this who has some good information on how to do it, feel free to share!



  1. Hey Nialls. Before you shoot yourself in the foot like we did, you should note that each Module is a web page not each Entry Point. A Module can contain any number of Entry Points which is just a set of instructions to run when the Module starts.

    Hope this helps.

  2. So by module you mean project? package? class? what are we talking here?

  3. There is a type in GWT called a Module. It is what you actually pass into the gwt compiler to produce your web application. It is defined by an xml file in your projects package right below "client", "server", and "shared". You can define the Entry Points to use in the module and any themes.

    In eclipse: File -> New -> GWT Module
